Covid-19 Requirements and Updates for Travellers to Uganda - Jungle Escape Africa

Covid-19 Requirements and Updates for Travellers to Uganda

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Covid-19 has proven that it will reshape international travel and ultimately tourism business as most tourist destinations seek to reopen. It has literally set rules that we all must adhere to for survival but more so curb its spread. Travelling continues amidst restrictions and precautionary measures. Uganda is open to the world and Travelers with tourist visas are to be accorded special attention as we shall see later. Meanwhile, all travelers/tourists to Uganda are required proof of a Negative Covid-19 PCR test and Yellow Fever Vaccination. For the PCR test in particular, tourists and all travelers should have tested negative 72hrs before arrival in Uganda.

  • Mandatory Covid-19 screening for all arriving passengers

Here at Uganda’s Entebbe International airport and all entry points, there is mandatory Covid-19 screening for all incoming passengers irrespective of their vaccination status and country of origin. Testing shall be done by government laboratories and test conditions meet the international health and medical standards. They are private and very hygienic.

  • Fill a health form

Please be reminded and advised to fill in the health form prior to boarding flights to Uganda. Be sure that most airlines shall ask passengers to present it upon boarding. Some countries have a passenger locator form and Uganda’s equivalent is here: Use the same( to preregister for your PCR test and get through the airport quickly.

  • Covid-19 Testing fees

The test fee is $30 per person payable in cash on arrival or inadvance. Most of our clients are however advised to come with it and pay in cash on arrival sighting that the online system might not be effective and reliable for one reason or another.

  • Payment for Covid-19 testing fees

Where as you can pay and complete for the online payment for the PCR test here, you can still do both on arrival. Cash at the airport’s Post Bank Uganda’s kiosks or make online payment.

  • Covid-19 Testing for Children

Children below 6 years accompanied by parents/adults with negative PCR tests, are exempt. Unaccompanied children are required to test.

  • Waiting for test results

To confirm the earlier mentioned, all travelers with tourist visas shall be accorded special attention as they are to proceed and wait for test results from their hotels as non-tourists are to be held at the designated holding areas to wait for their test results expected to be received in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

  • Negative test results

With negative PCR test results, feel free to enjoy the country. Leave the airport or hotel and continue with your travels.

  • Positive test results

Adhere to the ministry of health’s Covid-19 protocol below when results turn out positive:

  • Isolate for 7 days and until a negative PCR test result.
  • There are designated treatment centers/facilities for those with severe symptoms. Choice is between government centers that are free or the private ones at your own expense.
  • Tourists with mild symptoms or the asymptomatic ones shall have to isolate at designated hotels at their own expense.

Acquiring a visa for Uganda

Do not seek visa on arrival. Arrange to have it(visa) online and inadvance with this link: It takes 2-3 days to get it after submission. Still some airlines will not allow you to board without visa approval letter.

We as Jungle Escape Africa, are at your service for any updates on the arrival procedures. Feel free to contact us for such and any other required information and assistance. Let us help you plan a safer vacation.

More useful information to check on here:

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